Classical Ballet

Students continue their previous training by learning more complicated movements and combining them into sequences. Strength and flexibility are emphasized as new steps increase in complexity. Students progress to balancing on demi-pointe in preparation for learning the first pirouettes, then frequently add jumps to build the necessary leg and foot strength required for pointe work. By the time a student reaches Ballet 7 & 8, steps are combined into longer, more intricate patterns and performed at a variety of tempi, requiring precision, alacrity and developing each student’s musicality and artistic expression.

The benefits of ballet training extend far beyond the mastery of steps and positions. Classical ballet training also develops:

  • Beautifully-sculpted, strong, articulate, and flexible bodies
  • The joy of expressing oneself through movement
  • Commitment
  • Determination
  • An appreciation for the arts—as a performer and as an audience member
  • Patience
  • Attention to detail
  • Self-discipline
  • The ability to set & achieve goals in the quest for excellence

Monthly payment plans are available with online registration.

Ballet 3

  • Placement required

  • $1465/full year (Aug 2024-May 2025)

Students attend class twice weekly to learn more complicated movements and practice combining them into sequences.

Attire: lavender short-sleeved leotard, bullet pointe skirt in lavender (optional), pink or flesh toned tights and matching ballet shoes. Hair secured off the neck and shoulders. Hair secured off the neck in a bun or similar style.

Boys' Attire: white T-shirt, black ballet shorts, white socks, and black ballet shoes.

Ballet 3 Schedule

Both classes required.

Tuesday 4:45–6:00pm Imagine Studio
Thursday 4:45–6:00pm Discover Studio

Ballet 4

  • Placement required

  • $1535/full year (Aug 2024-May 2025)

Students attend class three times a week to learn more complicated movements and practice combining them into sequences.

Attire: purple short-sleeved leotard, bullet pointe skirt in violet (optional), pink or flesh toned tights and matching ballet shoes. Hair secured off the neck in a bun or similar style.

Boys' Attire: white T-shirt, black ballet shorts, white socks, and black ballet shoes.

Ballet 4 Schedule

All classes required.

Monday 4:45-6:00pm Discover Studio
Thursday 4:45-6:00pm Dream Studio
Saturday 12:15-1:30pm Dream Studio

Ballet 5

  • Placement required

  • $2140/full year (Aug 2024-May 2025)

In Ballet 5, strength and flexibility are emphasized and new steps increase in complexity. Students practice balancing on demi-pointe in preparation for learning the first pirouettes (turns). One-footed relevés and jumps also are given frequently to build the necessary leg and foot strength required for pointe work.

Attire: hunter green short sleeved leotard, pink or flesh toned tights and matching ballet shoes, and bullet pointe skirt in hunter (optional). Hair secured off the neck in a bun or similar style.

Boys' Attire: white T-shirt, black tights, dance belt, white socks, and black ballet shoes.

Ballet 5 Schedule

All classes required.

Tuesday 4:45-7:00pm Discover Studio
Wednesday 4:45-6:15pm Discover Studio
Saturday 9:00-10:30am Discover Studio

Ballet 6

  • Placement required

  • $2525/full year (Aug 2024-May 2025)

Strength and flexibility are emphasized and new steps increase in complexity. Students practice balancing on demi-pointe in preparation for learning the first pirouettes (turns). One-footed relevés and jumps also are given frequently to build the necessary leg and foot strength required for pointe work. Ballet 6 students also take a modern class and, when ready, begin learning the basics of pointe technique.

Attire: burgundy short sleeved leotard, pink or skin-tone tights, ballet and pointe shoes, and bullet pointe skirt in cranberry (optional). Hair secured off the neck in a bun or similar style.

Boys' Attire: white T-shirt, black tights, dance belt, white socks, and black ballet shoes.

Ballet 6 Schedule

All classes required.

Monday 4:45-7:30pm Dream Studio
Tuesday 4:45-6:15pm Dream Studio
Wednesday 4:45-6:15pm Discover Studio
Saturday 9:00-11:30am Dream Studio

Ballet 7

  • Placement required

  • $2875/full year (Aug 2024-May 2025)

In addition to learning and perfecting the most challenging movements in the classical ballet syllabus, steps are now combined in longer and more intricate patterns and are performed at a variety of tempi—from very slow, requiring control and balance, to very fast, requiring precision and alacrity. Great emphasis is placed on these development levels and in refining each dancer’s musicality and artistic expression. To supplement the students’ training and broaden their versatility, Ballet 7 students take weekly classes in Modern dance. The commitment required to train at these levels develops self-discipline, confidence, attention to detail and determination. Whether or not Ballet 7 students aspire toward a professional career, instructors challenge dancers to set and pursue goals that will help them achieve their maximum potential.

Attire: solid-color leotard, pink or skin-tone tights, ballet & pointe shoes, and black bullet pointe skirt (optional). Hair secured off the neck in a bun or similar style.

Boys' Attire: black tights, black shoes, and dance belt with any solid color tee.

Ballet 7 Schedule

All classes required.

Monday 6:15-7:45pm Fly Studio
Tuesday 4:45-6:15pm Fly Studio
Wednesday 4:45-7:00pm Dream Studio
Saturday 9:00–12:00pm Fly Studio

Ballet 8

  • Placement required

  • $2875/full year (Aug 2024-May 2025)

In addition to learning and perfecting the most challenging movements in the classical ballet syllabus, steps are now combined in longer and more intricate patterns and are performed at a variety of tempi—from very slow, requiring control and balance, to very fast, requiring precision and alacrity. Great emphasis is placed on these development levels and in refining each dancer’s musicality and artistic expression. To supplement the students’ training and broaden their versatility, Ballet 8 students take weekly classes in Modern dance. The commitment required to train at these levels develops self-discipline, confidence, attention to detail and determination. Whether or not Ballet 8 students aspire toward a professional career, instructors challenge dancers to set and pursue goals that will help them achieve their maximum potential.

Attire: solid-color leotard, pink or skin-tone tights, ballet & pointe shoes, and bullet pointe skirt in any color (optional). Hair secured off the neck in a bun or similar style.

Boys' Attire: black tights, black shoes, and dance belt with any solid color tee.

Ballet 8 Schedule

All classes required.

Monday 4:45-6:15pm Fly Studio
Tuesday 4:45-6:15pm Fly Studio
Wednesday 4:45-7:00pm Fly Studio
Saturday 10:30am–1:30pm Fly Studio

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